To the Editor:
What has become known as the “Cubbison Affair” is not only another blow to the already sullied reputation of Mendocino County, it is an indictment of the corrupt administration of District Attorney David Eyster.
Before the Cubbison Affair, Eyster had already developed a reputation of being a bully. A few years ago when I was on jury duty, I witnessed this for myself when Eyster, acting as the lead prosecutor in a criminal case, browbeat a prospective juror over his honest answers to the questions asked of him. Mind you, this was not a hostile witness, but a prospective juror doing his duty as an American citizen.
Eyster’s transparent attempt to bully the county’s auditor-controller, Chamise Cubbison, into resigning her position because she had the audacity to question the DA’s spending of public funds on lavish parties for his staff, is an unmitigated abuse of power. When Cubbison refused to resign upon Eyster’s threat of a bogus criminal indictment, Eyster then wasted likely over $100,000.00 of taxpayer money pursuing the indictment that was just recently laughed out of court by District Court Judge Ann Moorman. As an elected official, Eyster cannot be fired, the only remedy for the residents of Mendocino County is a recall election. Throw the bum out!
The Mendocino County Board of Superiors is not without fault in the Cubbison Affair, as they put her on administrative leave without pay, without even giving her an opportunity to respond to Eyster’s charges. This is a gross deprivation of due process by the county’s top officials for which the county is now being sued by Cubbison and which will likely cost the county additional tens of thousands of dollars in damages. The level of incompetence of Mendocino County’s governing board is staggering.
-Jon Spitz, Laytonville
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Finally We wish PressBee provided you with enough information of ( Letters: Cubbison story shows DA abuse )
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