Khelif defiant: 2028 Olympics after gender debate ...Iraq

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Speaking to ITV News, Khelif said she was“mentally affected” by the backlash, which she described as a “campaign”against her. “I won the gold medal,” she said, pointing out that it “was thebest response after all the bullying she was subjected to.”

Khelif criticized the involvement ofhigh-profile figures, stating that many commented without verifying facts.“They were speaking just for the sake of talking, without any reliable ordocumented information… that was what affected me the most in the beginning.”The scrutiny also affected her family, particularly her mother, who reportedlyrequired hospital care due to stress.

In 2023, Khelif was disqualified from theWorld Championships by the International Boxing Association (IBA) based onblood tests that reportedly made her ineligible for the female category.However, no details were provided on the findings.

While the eligibility debate continues,Khelif’s status as a role model in the Arab world has grown. “Being an Olympicchampion, a Muslim, and an Arab is something truly special, especially in asport like boxing, where the majority of athletes are men,” she noted.

“What happened at the Paris Olympics wasan eye-opening experience. I feel even stronger now than I was before.”

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