I’ve become a glorified Uber driver for my kids ...Middle East

News by : (inews) -

As a parent of very small children, when the kids dominate your days because your life is their life and their life is yours, you sometimes think about how it will be when they are no longer so utterly dependent on you.

Last weekend was a fairly typical one in our house. On Saturday morning, my teenage daughter had to be taken to a play rehearsal at a theatre some 15 minutes away. In fact, because she got the time wrong, she had to be taken, brought home, then taken again an hour later. Meanwhile, my nine-year-old son had football training – fortunately within walking distance, but he needed to be accompanied in both directions nonetheless.

square WILL GORE

I refereed my son's football match - now it's my fault he lost 7-0

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On Sunday, it was a similar pattern. Drama rehearsals all day in the neighbouring town for the teenager (Matilda, showing this week), and a football match in another town for our son (a 5-1 defeat, for which no blame can be attached to my refereeing this time). My wife bore the brunt in the morning. In the afternoon, I took my turn, taking my son to and from cricket training, before collecting his sister from her wretched theatricals. 

Sometimes, it can feel as if we spend more time traipsing after the kids these days than when we had to spend half our lives at the park or at soft play. I realise now why my parents put me off playing football as a child. As it was, I sometimes played up to four cricket matches a week in the summer months, each necessitating at least a 30-minute lift to and from. I didn’t much appreciate it then, but thanks mum and dad.

Meanwhile, my daughter has benefitted enormously from performing in musicals, from volunteering at a nearby stables and from the connections that the world beyond home and school can bring.

So we mustn’t mind too much this ferrying stage. Even if it does mean that my wife and I are mostly ships that pass in the night.

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