This Unexpected Body Measurement Could Predict Memory Decline ...

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So apparent, in fact, they're quite literally part of your body, according to new research from University College London (UCL) and the University of Oxford with contributions from institutions in France, Germany and Finland.

Published in JAMA Network, the study analyzed data from 1,774 individuals aged 48 to 68 over a 21-year period, tracking diet quality in 512 participants and body fat distribution in 664.

More specifically, participants who ate a healthy diet in their midlife had stronger connections in the hippocampus (the brain's memory center) and healthier white matter, which is essential for communication between different parts of the brain.

As for the mysterious body metric in question? According to the research, participants with a higher waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) had worse working memory and executive function later in life. What's more, brain scans revealed that excess abdominal (or belly) fat was linked with weaker white matter, which can negatively impact cognitive performance.

Related: The No. 1 Food To Eat To Support Your Memory

How and When to Reverse It

Translation? It's not too late! And as we've learned time and time again, there are countless tiny ways and sustainable hacks to reduce belly fat and boost your memory, too. Here are three of our favorites to get you started.

A combination of the Mediterranean diet and DASH diet (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension), the MIND diet prioritizes berries and leafy greens, which have been shown to support brain health. Check out specific food recommendations here.

Reduce high-fat foods.

While you're at it, try and reduce your intake of high-fat foods: A new study found that high-fat diets can quickly increase brain inflammation in older patients, plus have dire metabolic and gut health impacts down the road.

Get at least five minutes of exercise daily.

Finally, get moving! According to a new study from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, getting just 35 minutes of exercise weekly—or five minutes of movement each day—is associated with an average of 41% lower dementia risk.

Related: This Common Problem May Actually Be an Early Sign of Dementia, According to a Neuroscientist


"Association of Diet and Waist-to-Hip Ratio With Brain Connectivity and Memory in Aging." JAMA Network Open."Nutrients and bioactives in green leafy vegetables and cognitive decline: Prospective study." Neurology.

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