French PM seeks to mend cabinet rift over hijab in sport ...Middle East

News by : (Daily Sun) -

Currently, it is up to individual sports federations in France to decide whether women can wear the hijab in competition.

Cabinet unity in Bayrou's minority government, which tilts to the right but also has some figures from a centre-left background, has crumbled in recent days with the sports minister and education minister expressing discomfort with the legislation.

“I cannot remain in a government that gives in on these issues. I am not participating in that,“ he told the newspaper Le Parisien.

“If we want to let Le Pen defend secularism on her own, we could not do a better job,“ he added.

Currently, some sports -- notably football and basketball -- forbid women from wearing the hijab, while others -- like handball -- allow it in competition.

In a closed-door meeting Tuesday, Bayrou lashed out at “unacceptable internal criticism” between ministers and vowed to restore “good order”, a participant told AFP.

The bill adopted in February by the upper-house Senate, which is controlled by the right, proposes to ban the wearing of religious symbols, including the hijab, in all sporting competitions, including at amateur level.

She described it is part of a “determined fight against all forms of Islamist infiltration”.

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