Hubbard opening doors to Roosevelt wellness center ...Middle East

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OPEN HOUSE SET IN HUBBARD: An open house at the Roosevelt Student Wellness Center will be 9 a.m. to noon Saturday. The new senior program will begin on April 1 for individuals age 55 and older and will be open to Hubbard residents as well as residents from other areas. RSWC is a Silver Sneakers location offering access to all Silver Sneakers participants for cardio, free weights, pickleball, basketball, and Silver Sneakers classes led by certified instructors. The open house will allow the public to tour the newly renovated facility, enjoy refreshments, and participate in or watch sample classes led by Silver Sneakers instructors at 10 and 11 a.m. Multiple door prizes will be awarded for those present during the drawings.

UKRAINIAN EASTER EGGS: McKinley Memorial Library will host Pysanky: Ukrainian Easter Eggs 1 to 3:30 p.m. Saturday at the McKinley Birthplace Home. Participants will learn about the Ukrainian tradition of decorating Easter eggs, known as pysanky and dye their own eggs. All supplies will be provided. Registration is required at 330-652-1704, ext. 3.

NEIGHBORHOOD GROUP: The Roosevelt Area Neighborhood Group will meet 5:30 p.m. Thursday at the Warren Public Library’s Harding Room. Meetings are open to all 2nd Ward residents.

LEADERSHIP SUMMIT: Valley Partners is inviting both women and men to its second annual Women’s LeadHERship Summit 3:30 to 7:30 p.m. Thursday at the Eastwood Event Centre, Eastwood Mall, Niles.

This event is designed to celebrate the strong, dynamic female leaders in the Valley for National Women’s History Month. The evening will feature a dinner, a panel discussion, a keynote speaker, live entertainment and networking opportunities.

Dr. Tonia L. Farmer is this year’s keynote speaker. Dr. Farmer is a board-certified Otolaryngology / head and neck (ENT) surgeon with 23 years of experience in private practice. She is widely known both online and within the local community as Dr. Nose Best with a strong social media presence of more than 750,000 followers across multiple platforms.

The event is free and registration can be made at

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