What’s Trending: Peak Fine China ...Middle East

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Want to know what folks are talking about on social media? Every weekday on 97.9 The Hill’s “This Morning with Aaron Keck,” Victor Lewis scours the Internet for the day’s top trending stories, from weird news to wacky crimes to odd business ventures and everything in between. Click here to listen back to all our past What’s Trending segments – and tune in to “This Morning” on 97.9 The Hill every weekday at 7:45 to hear What’s Trending live on the air.

What’s Trending is made possible by Dynamic Electric.

Trending today: the precipitous decline of the fine china industry, now that it’s lost its cache as a family heirloom. Victor and Aaron discuss their own fine-china possessions: quite a lot for Victor, surprisingly, and absolutely none at all for Aaron. (Though he may have one fancy wine glass, somewhere in the back. Really no way to ever know for sure.)


What’s Trending: Peak Fine China Chapelboro.com.

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